November 14, 2024. WCOP members making pumpkin decorations for clients of the Pittsford Food Cupboard
December 3, 2024. Wreaths Across America ceremony in Pittsford
October 2024.Pittsford Halloween Festival
October 16, 2024. Riverie Arts & Culture Series Cruise on Genesee River and Erie Canal, with lunch prior.
(For captions hover over photos).
October 2024 Garage Sale
September 29, 2024. Planting daffodils at the meadow with Brownies
September 14, 2024. Strolin' for the Colon at Mendon Ponds Park
September 2024 General Meeting featured speaker Phil Shipers from the Alzheimer's Association (far right). He was accompanied by an observer (far left). They are pictured with Melody Burdekin, WCOP president-elect and Tamara Minter, Alzheimer's Association Board member and WCOP member.
August 2024. The Ontario County Historical Society updated an exhibit at the museum with grant money from WCOP and included a panel thanking us. The exhibit is original to the museum.
August 13, 2024. WCOP Members enjoy an ice cream treat in Canandaigua
July 24, 2024. WCOP Summer Outing to the "Secret Sidewalk" in Charlotte
June 20, 2024. Ice Cream Social and Alzheimer's Awareness Event
June 13, 2024 WCOP 40th Anniversary/Installation Banquet
May 17, 2024. Members attending Isaiah House movie and discussion.
May 9, 2024 General Meeting. Speakers from Honor Flight. Flowers and gifts for WCOP member and Army veteran Joyce Wiedrich.
May 5, 2024. WCOP members attended the Embrace Your Sisters Breast Cancer Fundraiser at Casa Larga in Fairport.
May 2-5, 2024. GFWC NY Convention, Albany NY
April 20, 2024. Canal Clean Sweep
April 11, 2024. Student Writing Contest. Reading by students and presentation of awards by Contest Chairman Tamara Minter.
March 14, 2024, General Meeting Pittsford Village Mayor Plummer presented a certificate of commendation to the Women's Club of Pittsford for 40 years of service to the community. Mary Moore gave a presentation about native plants and healthy yards.
March 2024 The Frank Carlino Award was presented to WCOP member Tamara Minter in recognition of exemplary service to and Advocacy on behalf of Alzheimer's Community in New York State.
WCOP member, Angela Mambro was featured on Channel 13's Bright Spot in February for her lifetime of charitable giving.
February 8, 2024. Town Supervisor Bill Smith presented WCOP members with a Commendation for 40 years of service to the community. He also greeted the daughter of Angela Mambro and talked about Angela's many accomplishments. James Porcella, CPR Instructor and Health Teacher, gave an interesting presentation.
Jan. 20, 2024. Melody and Pat at the Pittsford Volunteer Fair
January 11, 2024 WCOP General Meeting. Amaris "Tippy" Hood enlightened us about the Bivona Child Advocacy Center.
WCOP. January 3, 2024, Isaiah House Hospice Tea & Tour
December 14, 2023. WCOP Holiday Party Irondeqouit Country Club
December 4, 2023. Fundraiser/fun at A Horse With Wings
December 5, 2023. WCOP with Legion, Rayson-Miller Post 899, Wreaths Across America
December 2023. WCOP members donated 75 teddy bears, 27 hats and 11 pairs of mittens for the children at the SPCC (Society for the Protection and Care of Children)
November WCOP General/District Meeting, Nov. 9, 2023. Elizabeth Pixley featured with Recycling Plastics program. GFWC NY President Kathy Meyers on Zoom for Lake District meeting.
WCOP Garage Sale October, 2023
September 30, 2023. GFWC National Day of Service for Hunger Awareness Month. WCOP members made lasagna for families chosen by The Central Church of Christ in the Rochester inner-city.
September 23, 2023. Service project, Strollin' for the Colon
September 14, 2023. WCOP meeting, with Toni informing us about Strollin' for the Colon. Cheryl Snead, Founder/Executive Director of the Esther Project, gave an amazing presentation on her organization. We were happy to help by doing a Purse Project during the evening.
September 9, 2023. WCOP did a children's project at the Pittsford Food Truck & Music Festival. The children made bird feeders.
Service Project, May/June 2023 Collection for Willow
June 15, 2023. WCOP Installation Banquet
June 19, 2023. Mini golf at Whispering Pines in Rochester
May 29, 2023 Memorial Day Parade in Pittsford
May 18, 2023. Blocks in Bloom General Meeting
May 2023. WCOP members planting Memorial Bush for Wanda Ward, with Sue Stare (Wanda's daughter)
April 2023, Canal Clean Sweep and Daffodil Meadow in Bloom
April 20, 2023. Student Writing Contest Party
March, 2023. Delivering WCOP donated items to Coffee Connection
February & March, 2023
December 15, 2022. Holiday Luncheon and Fundraiser
December 8, 2022. Lamberton Conservatory
December 6, 2022. Wreaths Across America, Pittsford.
Wanda Ward Feb. 16, 1927 - Nov. 18, 2022
During November WCOP Collected 58 hoodies for the Hillside Santa Project!
November 2022 General Meeting
Oct. 23, 2022. WCOP at Town of Pittsford Halloween Festival
October 19-22, 2022. WCOP Garage Sale-proceeds to go to Endowment Fund
October 2022. Delivering PAD bags to organizations that can distribute them.
October 13, 2022. PAD Party at WCOP General Meeting. Members assembled 100 kits with supplies collected in September.
October 6-9, 2022. WCOP members attended the GFWC New York Conference in Albany
October 8, 2022. WCOP members joined others from the community to plant daffodil bulbs at the Great Embankment Park on the Erie Canal in Pittsford
October, 2022 Delivering WCOP donations to Room to Bloom
September 30, 2022 Birding on the Erie Canal
September 17, 2022. Members volunteered at Strollin' for the Colon at Mendon Ponds Park.
September 15, 2022. Speakers at General Meeting Judy Moulton, Teacher of the Deaf ( left) & Catherine Clark, Doctor of Audiology, RIT/ NTID (right)
June collection delivery to URMC Food Pantry. Items will be given to those in need when leaving the Emergency Department. Joe is a very polite young man who works for Food and Nutrition Services.
Installation Banquet June 9, 2022
WCOP Woman of the Year-Linda MacKenzie
June 1, 2022. St. Joseph's Neighborhood Center Fundraiser. When the name Sister Chris Wagner is mentioned, many automatically think of the St. Joseph’s Neighborhood Center. The two are synonymous, though Chris is recently retired from her long time position as Executive Director. She was honored at the fundraiser. Chris has been a member of WCOP for many years.
June 2022. Members of the Service Committee delivered donated items to Lollipop Farm
May 2022 Pittsford Memorial Day Parade and Ceremony
April 28-May 5, 2022 GFWC New York Convention in Albany
April 2022 WCOP members clean up Lock 32 during Canal Clean Sweep, for Earth Day
April 2022 Tamara and Toni delivered WCOP hand-made cards to residents of Heather Heights Senior Living Facility in Pittsford
Winners of the WCOP Student Writing Contest from the World of Inquiry, School #58 read their entries at the April WCOP General Meeting
March 10, 2022 General Meeting & Service Project-cards for residents of Heather Heights Senior Living Facility
March 2022 The Service Committee delivered a $300 Gift Card to Pittsford Volunteer Ambulance and a $300 Gift Card to Pittsford Fire District Station #2
February 2022 Wanda Ward-Superstar Member is 95!
February 2022 Social Event-Crepe Class
During January 2022 we collected items needed by Harbor House. The Service committee delivered them at the end of January.
December 15, 2021. Delivery of WCOP donations to Mary's Place
December 9, 2021. WCOP Holiday Luncheon
December 7, 2021. Pittsford Wreaths for America, sponsored by Women's Club of Pittsford. Hosted by Rayson-Miller Legion Post 889 Wreaths donated by Gallea's Florist.
November 30, 2021 WCOP members with veterans at the CompCORP All Female Camaraderie Event. The M&M "exploding" gift boxes made by WCOP members were at hit with the veterans.
December 2021. Service Committee members delivering our November donations to Daystar Kids
In November 2021 members enjoyed an outing to the George Eastman House and Museum for the Sweet Creations Exhibit
Congratulations to Kathy Canzano, GFWC New York’s nominee for the GFWC Jennie June Award for Middle Atlantic Region! This award highlights extraordinary clubwomen who epitomize a lifetime spirit of independence, courage and persistence in purpose through their roles as volunteers within their clubs, in the community and as members of their family. The winner of this prestigious award will be announced at the GFWC Convention in New Orleans in 2022.
St. Joseph’s Dinner October 22-23. WCOP helped with the meal preparation and running dinners to cars as they drove by the Center.
Sunday Oct. 17, 2021 WCOP booth at the Pittsford Halloween Fest Spiegel Pittsford Community Center
The dedication of the Pittsford Historical Society office at the Paul Spiegel Community Center on September 25, 2021 was attended by Wanda Ward and her good friend, the man himself, Mr. Paul Spiegel, who is 100 years young!
October 14, 2021 Our first live General Meeting since March 2020!
October 2021. Dedication of Marguerite Rose Memorial Bench in Pittsford
September 2021 Nighttime Bunco ladies switched to daytime and gathered at Fellows Park in Fairport. Thank you Mary Jo Mathew for coordinating a fun morning! Members present were Janet Valenti, Kathy Canzano, Kathleen Bankey, Paula Reitz, Eileen O'Rourke, Carol Micheals, Mary Jo Mathew, Lil Murray, Nandini Joshni, Jane Inguaggiato and Linda Kremens
September 2021 Member Angela Mambro knitted 63 beautiful, multicolored hats for newborn babies. She also made 20 earrings for the crew in the Cardiac Catheterization Lab at Strong Hospital as a thank you. The Service Committee was happy to help her deliver these items to the Friends of Strong, where they will see to it that these items are delivered.
September 17, 2021 Fifty young children’s masks were delivered by Tamara Minter to the Oregon Leopold Daycare on the northeast side of Rochester. Angela Mambro and Eileen O’Rourke collaborated and the making of the masks was a blessing to the daycare.
GFWC New York Convention, Albany N.Y. October 17-19 2021
September 11, 2021 Strollin' for the Colon at Mendon Ponds Park
July 16/21 Farewell Party for Linda Ward
June 29, 2021 Angela Mambo made 15 beautiful Walker bags. They were donated to The Villages at Orleans Nursing Facility in Albion. Kathy the Director of Nursing received the donations from Tamara Minter and will pass along to the Activities Director.
June 16, 2021. New Board/Old Board Meeting
WCOP Installation Banquet, June 10, 2021
Woman of the Year Carol Michaels with husband John
With funds donated in memory of WCOP member Marguerite Rose, a committee chose charities that were dear to her to donate to, and purchased a bench for seniors to rest on, half way between the town library and the neighborhood she lived in.
May 2021. First post-pandemic social activity! Members were given a tour of the multitude of rare and unusual Perennials at Michael A. Hannen's city garden. Paula Reitz also visited with Jane at an earlier date. We were amazed at the unique Spring flower gardens and Michael's ability to identify every single plant by its Latin name! Michael generously donated nine perennials to take for planting in low income neighborhoods for the "Blocks In Bloom" project
Kathy Canzano, Bonnie Haugh and Linda MacKenzie taught card-making classes via Zoom during the Covid pandemic.
May 2021 Zoom General Meeting Speaker Karen Mammano, long-time expert dog handler spoke about the life of a handler and her win in the Sporting Group with Daniel, a five year old Golden Retriever in 2020 at the Westminster Dog Show.
Thanks to Amy Kordovich and WCOP member Donna Burch of the PFCU in Mendon, NY. The Women’s Club of Pittsford has for many years been able to store our 37 + year Club history at this branch. We appreciate their generosity in allowing our historic records to be housed in this secure location and Historians Carol Sammann and Pat Block have enjoyed their volunteer work there and getting to know these lovely ladies and the PFCU staff!
April Service Donations were given to Baden Street Settlement House serving families in Northeast Rochester and Bethlehem Family Shelter for families living in crisis facing homelessness. Ms. Kayla Myhand at Baden Street and Mr. Smeltzer at Bethlehem Family Shelter were very appreciative our new and gently used luggage donations!
April General Meeting Students read their winning poems & short stories
April 22, 2021 Canal Clean Sweep project for Earth Day
April, 2021 WCOP donations were delivered to Wild Wings Rehabilitation Center, and Betsy met one of the residents. The murals there are beautiful.
WCOP member Angela Mambro designed and created beautifully handcrafted bags for walkers. The bags were delivered March 29, 2021 to the Highlands of Pittsford Donation Coordinator.
March 2021 General Meeting. To commemorate one year of pandemic lock-down, we decided an evening of light entertainment was called for. We enjoyed playing “Scattegories” virtually. Thanks to our two Linda’s for planning a fun, relaxing activity for members.
March Service, 2021. Donation of toothbrushes and toothpaste from WCOP members. Delivery by Barbara and Tamara. House of Mercy was founded by Sister Grace Miller 35 years ago. The organization supports homeless persons, persons living with addiction and persons with severe mental illness. Sister Miller is on right. She is 85 years young.
Service Donation February 2021 Barbara Presser, Tamara Minter and JanCarlos Perez delivered hygiene and cleaning items to Mothers in Need of Others and Open Door Mission in the city of Rochester.
Zoom Card Class with Kathy, Tuesday February 23, 2021
The February General Meeting featured a presentation by Shane Wiegand on Segregation & Redlining in Rochester. One aspect of the talk introduced us to the Land Trust. Shane is in the center of this photo. City Roots Community Land Trust was founded in 2016 and works to establish and promote permanent affordability, development without displacement, and community wealth building within Rochester, NY.
Just a few of the lovely cards made in January by members taking lessons from Kathy Canzano via Zoom.
January speaker, Mr. George Rollie Adams. Rollie is the author of a number of books, including South of Little Rock as well as his latest novel, Found in Pieces. About 40 members enjoyed his Zoom presentation and question & answer session.
January 2021. Tamara Minter delivered winter hats and gloves to Enrico Fermi School 17 of the Rochester City School District. Sandy Glantz retrieved and washed prior to delivery.
Holiday Party/Covid Connect Fundraiser, December 2020
A lovely tribute to Wanda Ward in the December 2020 issue of "Pittsford Neighbors"
On two occasions in December, 2020, Kathy Canzano led card and tag making workshops via Zoom for WCOP members.
December 7, 2020 Tamara Minter delivered 25 beautiful hand knitted hats to St. Joseph’s Neighborhood Center and 40 to Strong Hospital, all made by Angela Mambro
December 1, 2020 Wreaths Across America, WCOP with Rayson Miller Legion Post 899 Wreaths donated by Gallea's Florist
November 20, 2020 Angela Mambro made 25 beautiful masks suitable for men and Tamara delivered them to St. Joseph's Neighborhood Center.
November 12, 2020 General Meeting with GFWC New York President Linda Kreussling, President-elect Kathy Meyers and Third Vice-President, Linda Hudyncia
On Nov. 9, 2020, Barbara Presser and Tamara Minter delivered undies to Oregon Leopold Daycare and on November 11 they delivered undies to Beyond the Sanctuary. This ministry is part of the Memorial AME Zion Church. This church organization is where Harriet Tubman worshipped when living in Rochester.
On Sat., Oct 24, 2020. Linda MacKenzie, Pat Block & Linda Kremens volunteered at “The 1st Drive Thru BBQ” fundraiser for St. Joseph Neighborhood Center.
Screenshots by Betty Lee of the October General Meeting October 8, 2020
Screenshots by Betty Lee of our first ever Zoom General Meeting on September 17, 2020
September 11-13, 2020 Pat Block and Bev Pierson attending 3 day weekend meeting in Albany, NY for GFWC New York Board Meetings and 2020-2022 Installation of new officers
September 2020 Board Meeting the Covid-19 Way
September 2020. Members Barbara London and Tamara Minter delivered school and art supplies to Flower City Arts Center and Catholic Family Charities.
WCOP hosting voter registration tables in Pittsford, 8/18, Suffrage Ratification Day and other days in August
A few springtime and summer images from WCOP members during the pandemic
Thanking women veterans, Memorial Day 2020 WCOP members Pat Block and Maureen Mulley presented Linda Anderson and Joyce Wiedrich with flowers
WCOP Photo Entries in the 2020 GFWC NY Contest
March 2020, COVID-19 Response WCOP members work from home to make masks for hospitals and health facilities in need of them. Member Joyce Wiedrich mails them in, and takes some to the hospital with her, where she has returned to work several years after retiring.
March 2020 General Meeting President Sue Daly, Amy VanDerwerken of Blue Star Mothers and President-Elect Carol Michaels
February 2020 Representatives from the Buffalo Soldiers of Rochester Barbara Frost from Quilts of Valor presented the men with quilts
January 30, 2020. Members attended "Women's Suffrage: Past & Present" presented by the RPO with conductor Ward Stare
January 2020 Chinese New Year Celebration
January 2020 Gigi’s Playhouse Down Syndrome Achievement Center WCOP delivered paper products collected at meetings
At our January 2020 WCOP meeting, Linda Moroney showed us an insightful trailer of the film she produced on volunteers taping incarcerated inmates reading children’s books in a local Ontario County jail. These books were given to their children at home, along with the recordings that the children could listen to especially at bedtime, where they could follow the book and hear their parents voice. As a result of this film, shown on many public broadcasting television stations, more programs have emerged nationally.
Holiday Party, December 5, 2019
December 2019. WCOP Volunteering with Meals on Wheels
December 3, 2019. Shopping at A Horse With Wings Fundraiser
December 3, 2019. Wreaths Across America The GFWC-Women's Club of Pittsford with The Rayson-Miller American Legion Post 899 Wreaths donated by Gallea’s Florist and Greenhouse
Asbury Dining and Care Center crew, November 2019
After an emergency request from the Pittsford Food Cupboard, a "silver collection" was taken at the November WCOP meeting. As a result, member Barbara Kotalik was able to purchase and deliver 28 turkeys.
Eileen O'Rourke, who along with Pati Robben, made this square to be tied onto other squares for a quilt. This is in celebration of the 100 year Anniversary of Women's Right to Vote and is a special project from the Susan B Anthony House.
November 2019 General Meeting Peggy Porter, Hospitality Manager from Wegmans spoke about the sustainability program she initiated at Pittsford Wegmans. Peggy has arranged for various leftover food products to be donated to Lollypop Farm or the Seneca Park Zoo to feed the animals. Amy Vanderwerjen, Vice President of the Rochester Blue Star Mothers received sunscreen collected by WCOP members for their holiday packages being sent to the troops.
WCOP Members attended the GFWC NY Fall Festival of Fun & Learning on November 9, 2019
On November 3rd, 10 WCOP members thoroughly enjoyed the production of Nunsense at the beautiful Century Club.
St. Joseph's Neighborhood Breakfast, October 26, 2019
Activities-Hurd Orchards Luncheon, October 23, 2019
Pittsford Halloween Fest. October 20, 2019
Bunco 4 Endowment Fund Gala Evening, October 17, 2019
Middle Atlantic Region Conference. WCOP Members Maureen, Kathy & Pat. GFWC President-Elect Marian St. Clair, GFWC President Mary Ellen Brock
October, 2019, WCOP/Lake District Meeting with GFWC NY President Candace Edwards
Asbury Dining and Care Center, September 2019
GFWC NY President Candace Edwards, WCOP members Maureen Mulley & Pat Block and members of the Syracuse Federation attended Women's Equality Day at the 2019 NY State Fair, on August 28th.
WCOP members at St. Joseph's Neighborhood Center 25th Anniversary Celebration
Members with tree WCOP donated to the town of Pittsford for Earth Day, and Pinwheels for Prevention of Child Abuse
2019 Pittsford Memorial Day Parade
Asbury Dining and Care Center, May WCOP Volunteers
May General Meeting. Winning entries from GFWC-NY Contests and our speaker from The Bird House
Garage Sale 2019
Outing to Lamberton Conservatory, April 30, 2019
Pat and Betsy with 76 WCOP donated Dr. Seuss books for School #3
District Directors Visit GFWC Headquarters and DC
Pat Block with 35th Anniversary Certificate of Recognition from Town of Pittsford. Look for it at the Spiegel Center.
35th Anniversary of WCOP and Wanda's 92 Birthday
Asbury Dining Center, January 27th, 2019 Community Improvement Project
Holiday Party, December 6, 2018
WCOP members and Pittsford Town Supervisor Bill Smith in WCOP apron, Pittsford Seniors Holiday Party, December 4, 2018
Wreaths Across America, December 3, 2018
The President and The General
Coats for Kids sorting at Toni's on November 2, 2018